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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Caleb & Beth Claassen

This goes out to all that know Caleb and Beth Claassen! Many of you knew them from CCBC! Beth was at that point still a Williams. Now they are happily married and have been living in Modesto, California. Well, as of Thursday, they have trek'd across the Atlantic to live in Finland! You heard me!! They have recently started a blog to keep all their friends and families informed of what God is doing in their lives! So, if you would like to be kept informed, please visit their site and add your email to the list!! Simply go to; calebandbeth.blogspot.com! It's exciting to see what the Lord is doing through these two!! Don't be lame and subscribe now!!

love, Pip

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm back!

What a LONG week!! Haha! It was quit the adventure!! Things could of gone better on some levels, but all-n-all it went very well!! It was a very good learning experiance. It was amazing to see all the Northern Californian Calvary Chapels involved!! I also got to see an old friend from Bible College there! Matt Sullivan; an awesome guy and dear brother. I went to Murrieta, California (CCBC) with him and really got to know him while we studied in York, England (CCBCY). I wish we got to spend more time to chat, but we had crazy high schoolers running a muck! Haha! ;) I also got to see an old friend from CCModesto from back in the day; Justin Dye. I only talked to him for a few seconds until an issue arose about some other Calvary's planning a pillow fight attack on the CCModesto cabins. So of course we had to defend. That other church(s) never showed up, so we sought them out and kicked their butt several times for good measure! :D The teachings at camp were amazing, by everyone who taught!! It was a blessed week. Now it's time to start really putting money away for the England trip in October. But this week sucks work wise. I got really bad hours. :( I guess that's alright for right now, since my attitude towards work isn't that hot either. :P
I'm trying to spend much needed time with Jesus; by diving into His word more and in prayers. It's a struggle. I feel a bit of spiritual warfare. I believe it's because of some of the new things we are about to do in the High School Fellowship?!
A friend of mine in Illinois appears to be going through similar stuff. She seems to be getting hit hard from the evil one and I believe it's because their biggest 'reach out' event of the year for their high school kids is this Saturday. So when you pray for me, say a little prayer for my friend and the youth group she serves in; for this week concerning preperation and warfare.... and Saturday for the event!!
And for those not in California, it's blazing HOT!!!! In the 100's!!!! :(
Thanks again for all your prayers!!!
-Love Pip

Sunday, June 29, 2008

I'm outta here!!

As I write this, I have one more day until I leave!! But most of you will be reading this on tomorrow!! So as you read this, I am on my way outta of Modesto, California!! I leave from Calvary Chapel Modesto on Monday the 30th of June for an amazing week of high school summer camp!! I will get back on the 4th of July. I'm sure I will be celebrating more than just my independance from Britian on that day!! Haha! A week living with high schoolers?! Well, maybe I can swing it?? Considering my last two semesters at Bible College was similar. ;) Two semesters of spoiled christian kids straight outta high school..... it's the same thing, right?? Haha! That being said; not everyone was like that and I have many an amazing friends from those two semesters in York. But those who were there with me will sure to agree with me. ;)
I also got my truck back from my mom. We swaped back cars yeasterday, so now I got 'Thunder' back safe in my arms!!
I have also just got back from Disneyland a few days ago. My only regret was not planning better to visit some other friends down there....... sorry Danny, Bere and Leah!
But all in all, it was a blast! We (Tristan, T.J. and I) was able to get in to Disneyland and California Adventure for ........ FREE!!!!! Sucka's!! ;) And I was able to find a sweet flight on Virgin America for dirt cheap!! Praise Him!! :) I did get to see Jesse and Amber (buddies from CCBC that now are hubby and wifey). Also Jackie from CCBC. It was nice to see them. And it was long over due to see T.J. and Tristan too!!
Now I worked for a few days and now I am off for a week for camp! Looks as if somebody will be working for a bit when he gets back?! ;)
love, Pip

Saturday, June 21, 2008

108 degrees in Modesto!!

It's hot here in the Central Valley as of late! But things are going well. I leave for Southern California tonight/morning. I will be spending three fast days with some friends. I will be hitting up Disneyland with two of my best friends from Bible College. My friend T.J. and Tristan. It will be a very nice short holiday. This was one of my short term goals I had set for myself. I am putting cash away for my trip to England this October with the same friends. Excited!!! But back to the Disneyland trip; I might get to see a few other friends?! I really hope so, but it's 50/50 right now. Because other than Disneyland, I don't know what my schedule will be?!
After this, I have the Northern California Calvary Chapel High School Summer Camp from June 30th until July 4th. I'm also excited for this! It is one of my dreams from Bible College to see the Northern California Calvary Chapels come together once again in a joint event like this. This year, the Calvary I attend (Calvary Chapel Modesto) gets the privalege to host it. Sad to say that Pastor G from Reality in Carpenteria, California was double booked. So he will not be attending. Also Pastor Todd Spitzer formely from ReGeneration in Oakland, California will also not be attending. So as far as I know, our third speaker is still coming; Todd Johnson from Crossroads Church in Grass Valley, California. We have a couple of last minute speakers filling in!! One being our Senior Pastor; Damian Kyle. This will be crazy!! I can't wait to see what the Lord will have to say through this man!? He is one of my all time favorite teachers of the Word!!
After this, I am praying about taking a trip back east to visit a few friends. Not sure if I will be able to swing it? I believe I can, but still praying about it.
For those who don't know; my dad and his family live in Louisianna now. So I don't get to see him unless he visits. Which is not often and in the future is going to be VERY rare. So I was very blessed to see him and my lil' brother Tommy and my step Mom!! It was very cool! I was also able to get my Dad a card and gift for Father's day!! Which I suck at. Bad son, I know! ;)
But this pretty much all for now. Just working at In-N-Out Burger in Modesto, California. I am really enjoying myself at work and I am also been given the chance to get better at my current level. A level I never felt comfortable for getting payed for. But work is getting me on that position a lot! So that means I get a chance to get better and actually earn the pay I get. It is scary sometimes, but at the same time I am grateful, because I am getting the chance to be on there!! I was just at the company Family Picnic. I got to see a lot of old friends from In-N-Out from the old days. Many have moved on to diffrent cities and stores. Some have their own stores too!! It was very good to see them and catch up a bit and a blessing to hear where they are at now!! Thanks for all your prayers!! And I apologize that I took so long to write one of these blogs! Haha! But here you go! Love as always!, -Pip

Friday, May 2, 2008

Back in the swing of things!!

Well, I found a place with an old friend from 10 years ago! Crazy!? I get my own bedroom in a two bedroom Duplex in Modesto, California. In my old stompping grounds. I get to pay ONLY $200.00 bucks a month for rent and utilities!! I got my old job back at In-N-Out Burger at the Modesto store. I also get my old level back!! Last I was making was $11.25 an hour. Since I left, the rate has gone up!! ;) I have two more shifts left at my other job in Elk Grove, California; Peet's Coffee and Tea. I start back at In-N-Out on the 14th of May, then I will be officially moved back to Modesto, CA. I also found an older christian man to be discipled by. He is on of the pastors at my church. I love this guy!!! He's so rad!! His whole family is really awesome! I'm looking forward to a trip to Disneyland at the end of May or beginning of June, with my mate T.J. and hopefully Tristan!? We have High School Summer Camp coming up at end of June!! I'm super excited, because this year it will be hosted by my church (Calvary Chapel Modesto). It will be for all the Northern Californian Calvary Chapels! So far there are about 14 diffrent churches going!! :D Keep me in prayers for a smooth move/transition. And self preperation to be used by God in the preperation for summer camp!! And I get my old skills back to do a good job at In-N-Out! And get better at stuff I am lacking in!! Thanks for all your prayers!! I'll try and get you all more updated soon!! Love, Pip!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Watch this movie... for reals!!!!

Hello my friends!!! Please read this email that was sent to me by my churchs High School Ministry. There is this movie coming out this weekend that is a must see!! If you're in the Modesto area, my church (Calvary Chapel Modesto) will pay for you to go! www.ccmodesto.com. Contact them if this is the case! But I wanted to let all my friends from across the globe to be informed of this movie and be on the look out!! It most likely won't be in theaters long, so don't put it off!! Check out the trailer at the link below!! We have only seen the trailer, but ministries such as Answers In Genesis, Jews For Jesus, and Focus On The Family have seen the movie and fully indorse it, even though this is not a christian movie!!! Watch the trailer and spread the word! Via email, MySpace, Facebook, or whatever!!! Thank you for reading this and I hope your day is truely blessed!!!!
Love, Pip
Posted: 08 Apr 2008 12:13 PM CDT
The High School Fellowship along with Thrive Jr. High are coordinating a time to go and catch this film at our local Brenden Theatres in downtown Modesto. They haven't released show times for the film yet, so we don't have a specific date + time picked out. But we're thinking FRIDAY 4.18 or SATURDAY 4.19 evening or SUNDAY 4.20 afternoon. Calvary Chapel will be paying for any students and parents in our fellowship who would like to attend. We'll keep you posted on the time + date. Just keep checking back or contact our office for more information.Here's some info on the film:"A new documentary entitled EXPELLED is about to premiere this Friday at the Brenden Theater, as well at theaters in Turlock & Stockton. This entertaining and informative movie is a critique of how the theory of evolution is being taught at our schools, to the exclusion of alternative viewpoints. Ben Stein hosts this expose of intellectual dishonesty and intolerance on our nation’s campuses. This is the trailer for the film. While the pastoral staff has not seen the film and cannot personally endorse it, the film has been seen in its entirety by ANSWERS IN GENESIS, who are encouraging Christians to see it. JEWS FOR JESUS and FOCUS ON THE FAMILY are also endorsing its content, even though it is not a Christian film. Documentaries tend to have a short life-span at movie theaters; so if you desire to see the film, try to see it soon after its release this Friday"For more information, check out these sites + reviews:+ The Film's Official Website+ Focus on the Family's Endorsement+ Jews for Jesus' Review+ Answers In Genesis' Review

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

The Modesto move.....

That was my Easter outfit! Stunning, I know!! I have found a place to live in Modesto, CA. An old friend of mine (like from 10 years ago) contacted me on My Space and offered a room. It will just be me and him.... and his cat. It's located in my old stomping grounds!! It's actually down the street from my old High School; Thomas Downey!!! So moving here is comforting in the sense I grew up walking these streets as a teenager. All I need now is a job. The Peet's in the supermarket was a false alarm! They are only selling the coffee, no bar. :( I might have to go to Starbucks?! Atleast I will get good benifits to make up for the crappy coffee!! I recently had Starbucks coffee and literally could not finish it!! I had to toss over half of it away!! Thank you Peet's for turnning a non coffee drinker into a coffee snob!! I'm not sure if it's a blessing or a curse??? I should be able to start moving in some of my stuff tomorrow!? I'm ready for change!! I'm doing a crappy job at work. Not on purpose, but for some reason I'm sucking it up bad and makeing my fellow employees carry me along. It bums me out. I don't understand?? I bust my butt and I seem to get worse?? :( And I still haven't put my two weeks in yet!? *sigh* But through all this; God is flippin' amazing!!!! I am truely blessed!! He's guiding me through it all! Thank you all for all the prayers!!! I appreciate them!

Saturday, March 22, 2008

New Route!

I'm still praying about all this, but it appears that I will be moving to Modesto, California for awhile. I need to save money and built my credit some more. I was shooting for the summer for my next attempt to move to San Francisco, California. But as of Wednesday night, I feel confident that I will be spending a year in Modesto to get my act together. Something I should have been doing a year ago when I got back from York, England. I am looking for a new job and a place to live in Modesto. A Peet's Coffee & Tea just opened up in a local Modesto supermarket, so that is an option. It's not owned by Peet's, so I can't just transfer. I will have to apply through the supermarket. But since I am a 'real' Peetnik, I have confidence that I can get the job there. But we will see?! My family I live with are moveing very soon; within a month to month and a half. So as always, I covet all your prayers!!! If you feel the Lord is giving you some word of wisdom or what have you to bestow on me, feel free to comment on my Blog or just e-mail me!! Love, Pip!!

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

S.F. a-no-go!!

I was blessed to be able to, at the last minute, help out with the Jr. High Winter Camp. It was a blast!! The kids were dope!! But I am super glad I am in High School Ministry!!!

As most of you know, I was ready to leave all behind to forge a new life in San Francisco, California. I had a good year at Calvary Chapel Modesto serving in the High School ministry. This a picture of (l-r); Greg, me and David our Youth Pastor. For a long time we were the only guy leaders. We have since gained some amazing guys to serve with, but we were the guy leadership for most of my stint here. I have a bond with them, mainly because we were our own support group because of the crazy kids!! We helped keep our sanity!! Danny came later and has been a great asset to us!! You can see him in the background of the photo on the couch!

As I was saying my farewell to the High School Fellowship and to Calvary Chapel Modesto to venture off to S.F., we had our Jr. High/High School Winter Formal. This year we were pushing it a bit close to Spring, thus it became the Wi/ng Formal (Winter/Spring). This year it was an 80's theme. I was dressed as a Ska/Punker!! You can't see it in the photo, but I had plaid shorts with Doc Martin's on! Silly, I know!! I busted out me pork-pie hat for this one!!

But as I was saying my good byes and getting ready to go up to S.F. to meet up with my future room mates to look for a place to live, God had a suprise for me!! This last weekend I went up to the City hopeing and thinking I was going to be a San Franciscoer by April 1st! Turns out that I will be in the Valley a bit longer. I'm praying about it all, but it looks like I will try again for the move this summer. But it looks as if I will be moving back to Modesto to do so. My current living situation with my family in Elk Grove is soon changing too. They are moving at the end of May. Work is not giving anybody hours either. So my best option so far is to move back to Modesto and get a new job and save, save, save!!! YEAH!! This is cool, because this means I can be with the kids a bit longer. And I have been helping with the Northern California Calvary Chapel High School Winter Camp with our youth department. And I was going to be involved anyway when I moved to S.F. But this works out better on that front. So San Francisco is still in the cards, but there ares some things I need to take care of first, which I should of started doing a year ago! So please keep me in your prayers for wisdom and all that jazz!!

Friday, February 22, 2008


Well, last weekend I was at our High School Winter Camp intitled "Hold Fast". That was for the boys, and the ladies was intitled "Rooted". We split the girls and guys up this year for a more one on one setting. I was privileged to be able to teach one of the sessions. The weekend was amazing and the Holy Spirit was truely moving amongst His people!! On the first night one of our guys recieved Christ for the first time!!! Praise the LORD!!! And another guy rededicated his life to Jesus!!! It was amazing!!

I also got thrashed by our good old friend the Sun!! Along with his buddy the Snow!! I probably have sun cancer now!

We also have our Winter Formal coming up in March, but we are changing the name to the Wing Formal! (Spring/Winter Formal). Since we're pushing it this year!!
And I am still waiting on the Lord concerning San Francisco. It appears the Lord is still directing us there, but at the same time no real developments?! Just waiting and praying!! So your prayers are still wanted!!

Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Up to speed since CCBC

Okay, sorry once again for the long silence on me life.... for those that are interested in all that! Since I graduated from Calvary Chapel Bible College a year ago in December '06, I have been in Modesto, California. I have been living in Modesto until somewhere in the summer until I had to move out of my uncles place. I was doing horribly with saving money. I was working at In-N-Out again. I wasn't suppose to go back there. But I did and it sucked. I moved to Elk Grove, CA to my nearest releative. I was going to transfer to In-N-Out there (which is down the street from where I live), but I ended up leaving INO and started working for Peet's Coffee and Tea. Getting payed less, but I'm happy. Since I have been back, I have been serving with the High School Group at my church; Calvary Chapel Modesto. I've been commuting every sunday and wed. to Modesto, which is about an hour drive. Now it's time to leave. My official obligations end after winter camp, then I'm free to leave. Some homies of mine and I are moving to S.F. in the Spring, Lord willing. We are covering it in prayer. I will be attending a church in Oakland, California called; Regeneration. Not sure what the Lord is doing and what exactly my role is in the city?! There is also some other possiable ministry ops in the works that I'm praying about too. So, we'll see?! Oh, and I'm flat broke too!! Whats new!!??Love, Pip!!