Well, last weekend I was at our High School Winter Camp intitled "Hold Fast". That was for the boys, and the ladies was intitled "Rooted". We split the girls and guys up this year for a more one on one setting. I was privileged to be able to teach one of the sessions. The weekend was amazing and the Holy Spirit was truely moving amongst His people!! On the first night one of our guys recieved Christ for the first time!!! Praise the LORD!!! And another guy rededicated his life to Jesus!!! It was amazing!!
I also got thrashed by our good old friend the Sun!! Along with his buddy the Snow!! I probably have sun cancer now!
We also have our Winter Formal coming up in March, but we are changing the name to the Wing Formal! (Spring/Winter Formal). Since we're pushing it this year!!
And I am still waiting on the Lord concerning San Francisco. It appears the Lord is still directing us there, but at the same time no real developments?! Just waiting and praying!! So your prayers are still wanted!!