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Saturday, July 12, 2008

Caleb & Beth Claassen

This goes out to all that know Caleb and Beth Claassen! Many of you knew them from CCBC! Beth was at that point still a Williams. Now they are happily married and have been living in Modesto, California. Well, as of Thursday, they have trek'd across the Atlantic to live in Finland! You heard me!! They have recently started a blog to keep all their friends and families informed of what God is doing in their lives! So, if you would like to be kept informed, please visit their site and add your email to the list!! Simply go to; calebandbeth.blogspot.com! It's exciting to see what the Lord is doing through these two!! Don't be lame and subscribe now!!

love, Pip

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

I'm back!

What a LONG week!! Haha! It was quit the adventure!! Things could of gone better on some levels, but all-n-all it went very well!! It was a very good learning experiance. It was amazing to see all the Northern Californian Calvary Chapels involved!! I also got to see an old friend from Bible College there! Matt Sullivan; an awesome guy and dear brother. I went to Murrieta, California (CCBC) with him and really got to know him while we studied in York, England (CCBCY). I wish we got to spend more time to chat, but we had crazy high schoolers running a muck! Haha! ;) I also got to see an old friend from CCModesto from back in the day; Justin Dye. I only talked to him for a few seconds until an issue arose about some other Calvary's planning a pillow fight attack on the CCModesto cabins. So of course we had to defend. That other church(s) never showed up, so we sought them out and kicked their butt several times for good measure! :D The teachings at camp were amazing, by everyone who taught!! It was a blessed week. Now it's time to start really putting money away for the England trip in October. But this week sucks work wise. I got really bad hours. :( I guess that's alright for right now, since my attitude towards work isn't that hot either. :P
I'm trying to spend much needed time with Jesus; by diving into His word more and in prayers. It's a struggle. I feel a bit of spiritual warfare. I believe it's because of some of the new things we are about to do in the High School Fellowship?!
A friend of mine in Illinois appears to be going through similar stuff. She seems to be getting hit hard from the evil one and I believe it's because their biggest 'reach out' event of the year for their high school kids is this Saturday. So when you pray for me, say a little prayer for my friend and the youth group she serves in; for this week concerning preperation and warfare.... and Saturday for the event!!
And for those not in California, it's blazing HOT!!!! In the 100's!!!! :(
Thanks again for all your prayers!!!
-Love Pip