I write this sitting in Modesto, California…….still. San Francisco is around the corner. I gave notice to my job here in Modesto. All I need to give them is a two week notice for my transfer to San Francisco. My roommate is currently making his own preparations for when I leave this house we share rental duties. Just waiting to hear from a possible roommate situation with some guys from Reality Carpentaria, California. The church where Reality San Francisco is being planted by. Praying on what I should do room wise. Which at this point is my only real obstacle in moving to the City. Shooting for October/ November for the move date….but November is looking more realistic. I am starting to wonder if I need to move on from this possibility of roommates and start looking at Craig’s’ List again? Starting to wonder if having Christian roommates is an option?? I’m totally fine having non-believers as roomies, but the question is “Is that what the Lord wants for me right now?”. I am just praying and seeking the Lord in the meantime. Working on spending more time with my Lord. I am still serving in the High School Fellowship at my church; Calvary Chapel Modesto. We started Small Groups up again. I am very excited about this year in this ministry! I have a special group, of amazing guys, designed to be ready for my departure, whenever that may occur?!
Reality SF is the fellowship I believe the Lord is calling me to team up with and make my church home in San Francisco. The prayer meetings for San Francisco, that were taking place in Carpentaria, are coming to an end. Which means the prayer meetings for San Francisco and Reality SF will be taking place in the City now!!! First prayer meeting in the City is on October 4th, Sunday evening!! I’m so excited!! We as a church are shooting for the first Reality SF church service to be held on January 10th, 2010!!! The day after my birthday!!! I’m really thrilled about this!!!!! If you are praying for me and perhaps find interest in this church plant, please check out the link to the web-site for Reality SF!! http://www.realitysf.com/ I also have a Twitter account to add to my list of sites, (i.e., MySpace, Facebook and email. Also see the link. http://twitter.com/pipcityrockers
Most recently I visited Oregon and Washington, to see old friends and family….but centered around a friends’ wedding I attended. My friend Sarah Henderson (now McFarland) from Scotland married a man she had met in our years at Bible College. It was an honor to be able to take part of this joyous occasion! I also got to see quite a few old classmates and friends while I was in Seattle for the wedding. I love Seattle, a very cool place! I stayed with a friend I graduated with in York, England at Calvary Chapel Bible College; John Anderson. I got to met his sister and parents, whom are some of the coolest katz around!! Even got to see my dear friend Michaela Madden for a bit. She is also another class mate from CCBC/CCBC York.
I also got to see my cousin Debbie and her husband. Her husband I never met. While I was away at Bible College they got married, so I didn’t even get to go to wedding! So it was very cool to see her after over five years and meet her husband for the first time! I got brownie points because I was the first on our side of the family to visit them in Seattle. Haha.
I forgot to mention, I dragged my buddy T.J. Gates up there with me for the road trip. Also whom I met at CCBC and did time at the York campus. Also got to see my friend Emma Rees (from England) for little bits here and there….who was the Bridesmaid, so her time was quite consumed with the wedding. But it was still a blessing to see her, even for that small amount.
But before T.J. and I got to Seattle, we of course had to travel through Oregon. I had the chance to stop and see an old friend of mine from Southern California but now resides outside Portland, OR. My dear friend Rich Carlstedt, who runs Shanty Town Records and Distribution and is the brains behind the Ska/Rocksteady/Reggae band; The Israelites. Stayed at his house for a few days. It was a very blessed trip, but I spent way more than I desired. And now I am a bit hurting money wise. Haha, but it is all good. God is my provider…..and is never broke!
I also, shortly after my trip, was able to return the favor to my friend John Anderson and his sister Kristina for letting me stay at their house. I was able to house them for a couple days on their way down to Southern California. They are accompaning our friend Jessica Lindsey (from Newcastle, England) on one leg of her US visit. I was able to take them to San Francisco for the day. I was truely blessed by all three of them and was refreshed after their visit!
While I am waiting for this next chapter in my life to unfold, God is showing me about faith. The subjects of Faith and of Abraham, the father of faith, keep coming forth. I pray I hear what the Lord is telling me?! Pray I get a room soon in San Francisco! I so desire to be involved with this church plant from the start!! I hope to keep this updated more often and especially during this exciting time in my life!!